minä perhonen(ミナ ペルホネン)は、ファッションデザイナーである皆川明(みながわあきら)氏が創業したナチュラル&エレガントをコンセプトとする日本の人気アパレルブランドです。 皆川氏は、時の経過によって色褪せることのない服づくりを目指し、1995年にブランド「ミナ」を立ち上げた後、2003年に「minä perhonen」へとブランド名を変更。ブランド名のminä perhonen(ミナ ペルホネン)は皆川氏がインスピレーションを受けた北欧フィンランドの言葉で、「minä」は「私」、「perhonen」は「ちょうちょ」を意味し、『美しい蝶の羽のようなデザインを軽やかに作っていきたい』という想いが込められています。
非常に高い人気を誇るminä perhonenのアイテム。その人気を支える最大の魅力はデザインです。彩り豊かな図柄のなかにどこかオーガニックな雰囲気を漂わせる美しいデザイン。minäのアイテムはどれも「着るのがもったいない」というほどに美しく、眺めている女性の方も多いとか。ワンピースやジャケット、カットソー、スカートなどのアイテムも美しい図柄と、独特のシルエットが女性の魅力を一層引き出してくれます。また「生地へのこだわり」もminä perhonenの大きな特徴の一つです。皆川氏自ら国内外の様々な生地に目を通し、厳選された生地素材のみがminä perhonenのお洋服となるのです。minä perhonenの洋服を買った女性は、数あるアパレルブランドの中でもminäのアイテムを特に大切に着用し、手入れも念入りにするそうです。これもminä perhonenがお洋服の枠を超えて愛されていることをあらわすエピソードですね。
mina perhonen(ミナペルホネン)にはアイテムひとつひとつにテキスタイル名が付けられております。かわいらしい名前が多いのもミナペルホネンの人気の一つです。 下記にはテキスタイルの一部を掲載しております。 10000feet, afternoon sun, air, air scape, air travel, alive, Alps, Alsace, angel, ANKISTOT, Annu, aroma, asparagus, atmosphere, baby snow, ballade, balloon, bambi, bara bara, basket, bavarois, beach, before, beige, belle, berry, big circle, bii-dama, bijoux, bird, bird bird, birth, bloom, border, boulanger, bouncy, bouquet, breeze, bubbllia, buchi, cake, camellia, camellia, candy, candy block, carnival, cascade, cat circle, cats&dogs, celebrate, ceremony, chandeliar, charades, check-check, check-check YW, checker, childhood, chorus, choucho, chum, cielo, circle, clam-forest parede-, classic, cloudy, cloudy flower, clover, coast, color, comet, conceal, cookie, copains, coppice, cordial, corn, count, crayonniste, crocodile, croon, cross walk, crystal, cube, cuddle~multistripe~, cuddle-celebrate-, cut&sew hitsuji, daisy, dance, day break, day dream, day trip, dear, dim night, disco, donguri, dotstripe, drawing, dress 0, drops, en route, famille, fantastic!, farfalla, fence, festival, field, field lane, fir tree, fizz, flags, flamingo, float, floccus, flower, flower bed, flower curtain, flower drops, flower nest, flower rain, flower bird me, flowery hill, fluff, flying bird, foaming, fog land, forest, forest angel, forest baby, forest girl, forest parade, forest tile, forest wing, forest gate, four birds, frame, frill, fringe, frost, fruits forest, fujisans, furrow, fuwa fuwa, galileo, galileo skip, game, garasu, garden, garland, gelande, gem, glimmer, globe bag ~day dream~, globe bag -famille-, globe bag -ruffles-, go!, good news!, goutte, grass field, grass land, green park, grit, hall56 classic, hana, hana hane, hana tile, hana tsumiki, hanacco, hanaco, hanako, hanna, happa, happening, happy camouflage, hare, harry, hase, hay, hello!, herb salt, herbarium, herring born, hiko-ki, hills, hitsuji, hole, holiday, home_circle, honey comb, hoshi*hana, hula hoop, ie, imagine, infinity, jag, jand, jelly beans, journey, joy, judo, jungle gym, jungle relief, kakera, kakurenbo, kaleidoscope, kami, kingyo, koumori, kumo, la fille, laboratory, lake, lambent, landscape, landscape-ground-, landscape-sky-, las vegas, Le vent d’or, letter of flower, library, licorice, LIFE, light hole, Lili, lily bell, lily of the valley, limelight, lit, little girl, little league, little planet, little wind, locus, lodge, log, look, losar, lull, Lulu, luna, luster, lyric, M.share, mademoiselle, mammoth, mariposa, masmelos, match, matryoshka, memories of rain, meringue, mermaid, mermaid×bird, merry, meteor, metsa, mica, milk tea, mimosa, mina perhonen tartan, mingle, mingling, mirage, mist, mist diamond, Mobius, Mobius together, Mongolia, moon bear, moon flower, moonlit, mori no umi, morning, Morris, mosaic, moss rose, mould, Mr.perhott, Mrs. Pearly, mugi, multi check, multi stripe, musica, my tree, nanahoshi, nanten, nap, necco, neighborhood, nekoyanagi, nicott, No.94, nomade, noppara, north forest, note book, oasis, oasis × carnival, obscure, ocean, odango, odyssey, old time, onion, pacific, papaver, papillon, paradis, particle, party, pas a pas, path, pave, pen, pencil, people, perho-chan, perhonen, petal, petticoat, pi,pa,pu, piece bag, piece-basket bag-, planetarium, planter, pleats, plume, poem, poem2, poem4, polar bear-pleats, polka, pop corn, poppy, porcelain, prism, provence, puff, puffin’, puu, puu s, puzzle, quiet, rain, rain chukka, rain sample, rainbow, raindrops, ridge, ringo, ripples, risu, river, room, Rovaniemi, run run run, saffron, sail, sakuranbo, salute, sand, sand bell, sanpo, scent, sea farm, sea fowl, sea garden, shabondama, shadow snow, shady, shall we -undiscovererd-, shall we? -star trip-, sheep cloud, shell, shell holl×forest, shelly, sherbet, shirt, shore, shower, sierra, skip, sky flower, sleeping rose, slow, smile, smiley, snow, snowberry, snowy, soar, socks, soda water, so-gen, sometimes lucky, sonata, souffle, spray, spring rain, springlet, sprint, Sprout, sprout, squall, staple, star fence, star trip, starman, start, steam cake, stella, sticky, straw, stripe, suger, summer holiday, sun bird, sun kids, sun moss, sunny ball, sunny rain, sunny snow, sunny spots, surf, surplus, swallow, swan, swan lake, sweetpea, sweets, talc circle, tama, tambourine, tambourine grande, tanpopo, tarte, tefu tefu, tepee, the earth, tile, tip flower, tori bag, tori to hana, totter, tour, travel, trees, tremor, triangle, triathlon, trickle, trill, tulip, turn around, twig, twins, twist, twitter, undiscovered, unforgettable moment, universe, usa bag, usagi, vapor, village, viola, w, wafers, waffle, wall, wander, wataridori, water lily, wave, wind, wind dance, wind mill, window, winter farm, winter flags, wish, wonder girl, wood bird, woolly ball, work, yeti, yuki, yuki no hi, yuki-to-hana, zoo,
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